Teach Me Everything

Teach Me Everything

Week 1

  • Hypnosis Session 1: learn 4 -5 self-hypnosis tools for healthy weight. (2 hours)
  • Essential Oils for Weight Loss: learn the basics of essential oils and how they can support your weight management goals. You will also learn how to use oils to compliment and deepen self-hypnosis. A set of 5 doTERRA oils will be sent to you prior to Week 1. The session ends with a short hypnotic meditation. (2 hours)

week 2

  • Hypnosis Session 2: ask questions, tweak things, learn 3 – 4 additional hypnotic tools. Essential oils will be added to this session. (1- 1/1/2 hours)
  • Tips, Tricks and Hacks – Part 1: Building on what you’ve learned, we will go deeper into the world of holistic weight management, focused on improving gut health and mitochondria. Below is a list of topics that will be covered. We will discuss each one in detail, as well as how to incorporate them into your lifestyle.
  • Slow & Steady: To get the best results, this program is designed to go slow. You will chose one or two new hacks to begin, slowly adding in new ideas every few weeks.
  • Resource Booklet: You will be emailed a personalized eBook listing resources for each topic. Resources will include links for further study. This book will be helpful as you add ideas to your daily routines.
  • Tips, Tricks and Hacks will be split into two sessions (each 2 hours long)

Week 3

  • Hypnosis Session 3: ask questions, tweak things, anchor what you’ve learned, learn 3 – 4 additional hypnotic tools. Essential oils will be added to this session (1- 1/1/2 hours))
  • Tips, Tricks and Hacks – Part 2: continued (2 hours)

Week 4

  • Kitchen CleanOut::Time to get rid of the junk! You no longer need it, so why keep it around? Let’s clean out the pantry, the cupboards, the fridge, the kitchen, wherever you store your food. We can do it together and make it fun. While we’re deciding what to keep and what to toss, we’ll look at food labels and go over any questions you may have. We will have an in-depth conversation about the food industry, food advertising and government regulations. We will end with a short hypnotic meditation. (2 hours)

Week 5

  • Let’s Shop!: now that you’ve thrown away all the junk in your pantry, what should you replace it with? Using your new knowledge & skills we will plan and then go shopping to restock your supplies. We may even find a new, wonderful place for you to find good quality food. We’ll continue to discuss nutrition, your lifestyle, labels and your questions. Ending with a short hypnotic meditation. (2 hours)

Week 6

  • Review + Ask Me Anything: this session will be scheduled 2 -3 weeks after Week 5, giving you time to implement the hacks you’ve chosen to start with. During this session we will cover any topic you choose. Ask me anything! If I don’t know the answer, I’ll do some research and follow up with you. As with each session, we will end with one last hypnotic meditation. (2 hours)


At 300 pounds, my weight was all I thought about. That voice in my head was a brutal, brutal bully. Day in and day out, all I could think of was “how could I have let this happen.” It was exhausting. So I ate more and felt worse.

I’d try new diets that left me hungry and depleted, grueling work-outs that left me tired. That voice was constant. Eventually I lost 160 pounds and banished that evil voice but it took 15 years! Fifteen years full of frustration and tears.

During that time I learned a lot about holistic health, how my body, mind & spirit work, what they need to thrive. That learning continues every day.

A few years ago, long after losing the weight, I was introduced to hypnosis. I tried it for insomnia but quickly realized it would have drastically reduced those 15 years it took me to lose that weight.

I really love to share what I’ve learned so I put together this comprehensive, personalized, one-on-one program. The program I wish I’d had. It ‘s not for everyone. I am not for everyone. But if my story resonates with you, perhaps Teach Me Everything can help. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have or contact me for a consult so we can see if this is the right program for you.


teach me everything Overview

  • Ten Sessions – Six Weeks
  • That’s 15 hours of personal one-on-one instruction & attention!
  • Tailored to your needs and lifestyle
  • Science based, natural solutions, putting you in control
  • All sessions are online, from the comfort of your home
  • Unlimited emailed questions between sessions
  • Teach Me Everything: Tips, Tricks & Hacks eBook
  • Essential Oil package to help with your journey
  • Details to the left

Tips, Tricks and Hacks Topics

  • Food: Studies show that losing weight is 80% what you put into your body. If you think about it, it makes sense. Food fuels every single thing your body does. If you want to change your body, change the food you eat! But where to start? There is so much conflicting info out there, it’s hard to figure out what you need. This session will help you decide what to eat, what to avoid, how much to eat, what time of day to eat, what food combinations help your body and what hurts.
  • Exercise: most of us believe the only way to lose weight is long, grueling workouts and hours of cardio. What if I told you there’s a better way? A way that begins with the food you eat and ends with 20 minute work-outs? Would you believe me?
  • Energy: have you ever tried a diet or new exercise routine that left you exhausted? Do you get tired in the afternoon? If you need a nap after eating or exercising, changes need to be made! Let’s talk about how your body creates energy, why our energy levels go down as we age and how we can reverse that trend.
  • Sleep: Did you know you can not lose weight if you don’t get enough sleep? It’s true. When you are sleep deprived, your body refuses to let go of fat. It’s kind of like having an extra container of gas in your garage, just in case. Your body holds onto fat in case it’s needed for energy to get you through the day.
  • Green Living: Toxins & Chemicals: we will discuss how chemicals affect weight loss, energy and sleep. We will talk about ways to reduce your chemical load and how to lower your exposure.
  • Supplements: food is the best source of nutrients for your body but there are times when supplementing nutrients is a good idea. There is a lot of confusion around supplements. We will talk about what you might want to consider and why.
  • Breathing: Yep, how you breath can have a profound affect on weight loss, energy, how you sleep and a whole host of health related issues. The worst part? Most of us are not breathing in a way that benefits our bodies. I’ll show you how you can change that.
  • Fun: it might seem silly but making sure we prioritize fun in our lives is very important for our overall health and our weight goals. Let’s make weight management fun!
  • Metaphysical – I believe in using every tool I can find for change. Astrology, crystals, tarot and other metaphysical tools were a big help for me as I lost all that weight and they might benefit you too. Because this program is tailored to you, we can take this topic off the table if you’d like but aren’t you just a little curious?
  • Other Resources & Inspiration: There are lots of folks out there who continue to educate and inspire me to stay on a healthy path. We will discuss practitioners, suppliers, books, websites, apps, blogs and podcasts. Anything that may help you!

Tower Hypnosis offers wonderful tools for change but they are not meant to replace professional medical care. If you are currently being treated by a healthcare professional, a referral for hypnosis is required. Tower Hypnosis is happy to discuss this with you and/or your practitioner.

If you are experiencing physical symptoms please call your healthcare provider or 911 if symptoms are extreme
If you are having psychological distress, please contact your therapist, counselor or healthcare provider.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or impulses, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255
If you are in an abusive relationship and want help please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233)
If you are in need of LGBTQ services or help please call the LGBT National Hotline 888-843-4564
For additional LGBTQ resources, please visit the GLADD Resource List
If you are in need of safe abortion information please call or visit the National Abortion Federation Hotline 1-800-772-9100