Weight Management


Just for a moment, imagine yourself a month from now.

Go ahead. Close your eyes.

See yourself next month, having already begun.

Let a feeling of accomplishment wash over you.

Feel the peace it brings, knowing you are on your way.

Passport to Peace

Passport to Peace PDF

  • Laying the foundation of your success
  • Full of ways to stay on track daily
  • Relevant journal prompts
  • Food journal template
  • Recipes to get you started
  • Essential oil diffuser recipes to deepen your self-hypnosis sessions
  • Room for your Magical Journey discoveries
Monthly Passport Subscription: $

Using hypnosis as a foundation, some women use the monthly Passport to Peace weight-loss program to begin. Others use it to continue. Either way, the road ahead is a peaceful one.

Peaceful may not be a word normally used to describe weight-loss but with hypnosis, peaceful is exactly what it becomes. A peaceful journey, on your way to the freedom you crave.

No matter your age, no matter what you have already tried. With hypnosis, age becomes irrelevant. The past becomes irrelevant.

No more thinking of your weight day and night. No more bully in your brain, saying all kinds of mean things!

Instead, just peace. Probably a few other lovely feelings too!

Your Passport to Peace Includes:


  • Private, One on One Hypnosis with Michelle
  • An overview of hypnosis and how best to use it for weight-loss
  • 8-10 self-hypnosis tools, chosen just for you and your unique needs
  • All sessions are online, from the comfort of your home

Magical Journey

  • Each month, we take a magical journey to a secret location
  • Using hypnotic meditation, we go on a quest of self-discovery
  • You never know where we will go, or what you will learn along the way
  • Online, from the comfort of your home
  • All you need is your Passport and a pen

teach me everything

Being obese is exhausting.. Physically and mentally exhausting.

Losing 160 pounds took Michelle 15 years! That’s will-power for you. A lot of time. A lot of pain. A lot of tears and frustration.

What finally worked? A holistic approach using natural solutions. Mind, Body and Spirit. It’s impossible to truly heal one without the others.

The Teach Me Everything program is a comprehensive whole body, holistic, science based program meant to drastically change you, your body and your life.

Teach Me Everything teaches hypnosis, plus every tip, trick and hack Michelle used to lose and maintain a healthy weight. This program works with any eating plan, at any age. Teach Me Everything is a fun (yes, fun) five month program designed to see you succeed and gain the freedom you crave.


Tower Hypnosis offers wonderful tools for change but they are not meant to replace professional medical care. If you are currently being treated by a healthcare professional, a referral for hypnosis is required. Tower Hypnosis is happy to discuss this with you and/or your practitioner.

If you are experiencing physical symptoms please call your healthcare provider or 911 if symptoms are extreme
If you are having psychological distress, please contact your therapist, counselor or healthcare provider.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or impulses, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255
If you are in an abusive relationship and want help please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233)
If you are in need of LGBTQ services or help please call the LGBT National Hotline 888-843-4564
For additional LGBTQ resources, please visit the GLADD Resource List
If you are in need of safe abortion information please call or visit the National Abortion Federation Hotline 1-800-772-9100