About Michelle

Who is Michelle?

So, you’d like to know a little more about me. That’s fair. 

My mother has always said I dance to the beat of my own drummer. She’s right, but it’s taken me a lifetime to embrace that gift.

The world would be a better place if more of us loved our inner drummers!

Basically, I am a work-in-progress who has gone through many changes and transformations in this lifetime. Some with hypnosis. Some without. The changes made with hypnosis were far easier and faster than those without. Hypnosis has transformed my life and it can do the same for you.

Sharing knowledge makes me happy. Helping others makes me happy.

Change makes me happy too. Always has. Even on the challenging days. 

Being a hypnotist allows me to combine all of those things, into one cohesive unit.

Through Tower Hypnosis, I get to teach you how to dismantle undesirable habits and create new, improved practices using self-hypnosis techniques. These tools can be utilized for a lifetime of change. Any change you desire, whenever you are ready.

And that, makes me very, very happy.

formal training

  • Integrative Hypnosis – The Center for Integrative Hypnosis, NYC
  • Coaching the Unconscious Mind – The Center for Integrative Hypnosis, NYC
  • Ohashi Shiatsu – The Motherland Society, NYC
  • Bachelor of Science (Political Science, Gender Studies) – The New School University, NYC
  • Associate’s of Applied Science (Marketing) – Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC

University of Life

Weight Management: There was a time when I weighed over 300 pounds. Yep. 300 pounds. It took 15 long-ass years to lose 160 pounds. 15 years of tears, frustration and self-loathing. There’s no need for anyone else to go through all that! Hypnosis, plus all the health, wellness and nutritional info I’ve learned would have knocked those 15 years down drastically.

Covid Recovery: And then there’s Covid. Every one of us has a Covid story. For me, 4 weeks of Covid turned into 2 years of long-Covid. It was not pretty but I learned a lot. My holistic health background, plus hypnosis, helped lessen and cope with the painful symptoms. It’s been quite a journey and someday I’ll write a book. Until then, I’ll share what I’ve learned, hoping it helps lessen someone else’s pain and recovery.

Tower Hypnosis offers wonderful tools for change but they are not meant to replace professional medical care. If you are currently being treated by a healthcare professional, a referral for hypnosis is required. Tower Hypnosis is happy to discuss this with you and/or your practitioner.

If you are experiencing physical symptoms please call your healthcare provider or 911 if symptoms are extreme
If you are having psychological distress, please contact your therapist, counselor or healthcare provider.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or impulses, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255
If you are in an abusive relationship and want help please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233)
If you are in need of LGBTQ services or help please call the LGBT National Hotline 888-843-4564
For additional LGBTQ resources, please visit the GLADD Resource List
If you are in need of safe abortion information please call or vist the National Abortion Federation Hotline 1-800-772-9100