Why Two Prices?
A lot goes into pricing when you are a solopreneur. For the sake of honesty and transparency, the factors that went into Tower Hypnosis pricing are discussed at the bottom of this page. Read if you are interested.
Basically, I want to make sure anyone who needs my help can get it, while also being able to honor and take care of myself.
There are 2 prices listed for many, but not all, of the services offered. Please read the descriptions here and decide which one applies to you. All I ask is that you be honest, with yourself and with me. There are no tests, no background checks. Just your honesty.
Honesty from both of us is important for this work we are about to do together!
First Price
This price is pretty simple. If you can afford it, this is the cost for you. We all love a good bargain but please be honest about your financial situation. If you are in a position to purchase and have most anything you desire, or if you are in a position to painlessly save for the services offered here, please pay the top price listed. I thank you with love and am grateful for you.
Second Price
This price is for anyone living pay-check to pay-check. Anyone who would love to learn how to make changes in their life, if only they could afford it. I have been in your shoes and understand very well. It would be my absolute honor to work with you, to help you make those changes so please pay the second price. Just like the description above, all I ask for is your honesty. There have been plenty of people in my life who cry poverty but lack for nothing. If that’s you, please pay the first price. Again, I thank you with love and am grateful for you.
Pricing Thoughts – A Note from Michelle
In our culture, money and pricing can be challenging to discuss. That’s true for me too. But, as a solopreneur and a woman in this society, it feels like an important discussion to have.
As stated above, I really love helping people. In an ideal world, everything here would be offered for free, but that’s just not the world we live in.
First, I need to survive and pay my bills like everyone else.
Second, what is offered here has value and needs to be honored for its value. A lot of time, money and effort has gone into my education. All of that accumulated knowledge has value.
A lot of time and energy go into each session I give. You only see the time we are together but there is prep-work ahead of time and post-work after each session. This hidden time ensures you receive the very best session I can give.
Then there is the issue of pay for women and how this culture has not only devalued ‘women’s work’ but given it no value at all. Women are often expected to work for a much lower wage than our male counterparts. Or, expected to work for free.
When I worked for corporations, I was always paid less than the men I worked alongside, doing the exact same work. You probably have been too. My bank account, and probably yours, reflects that disparity. It’s rare for male practitioners to be asked to reduce their prices. It is a common experience for women.
Other factors contribute as well. I am single, never married. That means I pay double for many of the things I need. Rent? All me. Utilities? All me. And if time is money, that’s all me too. The garbage needs taking out, the wash needs doing? All me. And that is time not spent earning a living.
Don’t get me started on the higher taxes I pay because I’m single, plus the ‘pink taxes’ built into so much of what we women purchase.
If you have a life partner, please remember that relationship offers you financial benefits. Many, many financial benefits not afforded to us single women. I’m not bitter, it’s just a fact.
Most of my clients are women, so you know what I’m talking about. That is part of my pricing equation too. I do not forget that many of you are dealing with reduced finances simply because you are a woman, just like me.
Last, I must acknowledge the pandemic and its effect on our bank accounts. So many of us were negatively affected, in a variety of ways. For me, I’ve spent 4 years with long-Covid. For the first 3 years, I could barely get out of bed most days, let alone work. Because I work for myself, that was a huge financial loss. Many of you were out of work for much or all of the pandemic too. And, many of you also have health issues that impact your finances.
Compared to my hypnosis classmates, my prices are considered beginner prices. My experience, thus my prices, are behind them because I have been sick for so long.
All of these issues have been factored into the prices offered here. Could I charge a lot more, based solely on the going rate? Yep. Could I offer only one price and never waiver? Yep. That’s just not who I want to be. So….
There are two prices because I recognize 1) many of these issues have affected you too and 2) we are all in different places, including our finances.
Whew! That’s a lot. If you read all of this, bless you! Have something to say about all this? Send me an email. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Tower Hypnosis offers wonderful tools for change but they are not meant to replace professional medical care. If you are currently being treated by a healthcare professional, a referral for hypnosis is required. Tower Hypnosis is happy to discuss this with you and/or your practitioner.
f you are experiencing physical symptoms please call your healthcare provider or 911 if symptoms are extreme
If you are having psychological distress, please contact your therapist, counselor or healthcare provider.
If you are having suicidal thoughts or impulses, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255
If you are in an abusive relationship and want help please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233)
If you are in need of LGBTQ services or help please call the LGBT National Hotline 888-843-4564
For additional LGBTQ resources, please visit the GLADD Resource List
If you are in need of safe abortion information please call or visit the National Abortion Federation Hotline 1-800-772-9100